In order to fulfill the academic services of Master and Doctoral students during the Covid-19 Pandemic, according to the Rector's Instruction Number: 1 of 2020 and followed up by the Rector Circular Number: 3 / SE / 2020 concerning the Follow-Up to the Rector's Instruction, as well as the Rector's Circular Number: 8 / SE / 2020 regarding Academic Services during the Emergency Response Period for Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) at Yogyakarta State University, which was then followed by the Rector's Letter Number: T / 1040 / UN34 / HK.04 / 2020 dated 12 June 2020 regarding the Adjustment of the Validity Period of the Rector's Circular Number: 8 / SE / 2020, the Director of Graduate School hereby stipulates the Technical Guidance Guidance Service Guidance, Final Project Examination and Academic Service. A Dissertation Supervision Policy has also been established to outline the role of dissertation supervisors, and define the rights and responsibilities of supervisors and students.