


The library of Graduate School has more or less  11,670 book collections, 2350 journals, 3060 thesis / dissertation collections, and subscribed to a number of magazines and newspapers. The book collection continues to be added through the procurement of new books through a number of alumni and students including students who take part in the Sandwich program. The library of Graduate School is networked with the central library of YSU which has a collection of around 33,124 books, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) library, and the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University library (UIN Sunan Kalijaga) library  so that they can help each other finding books needed by students. The library of Graduate School also has the facility to subscribe to international journals through Proquest.

Electronic Library

To further improve the quality of its services, the library of Graduate School develops a website as a means to connect to the global community. The website can be accessed through http://library.pps.uny.ac.id. With this website, library users can browse the collections needed anytime and anywhere without having to come directly to the library. In addition, visitors are also given several conveniences such as access to e-journals subscribed to by YSU, namely ProQuest (http://www.proquest.com/pqdweb), EBSCO (http://search.ebscohost.com) and Gale (http: // infotrac.galegroup.com) is an e-journal subscribed by Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture. In the following years, the library will develop a digital collection database including dissertations, theses and ebooks that can be accessed in full text via LAN in the library.

Computer and Internet Lab

To support various academic activities, the Graduate School is equipped with adequate computer labs. Almost all computers in this lab have an internet network, which makes it easier for students to find the information they need. The Graduate School Computer Lab also collaborates with the YSU Computer Center which can be used at an affordable cost.

Multimedia Room

The Graduate School lecture room is equipped with learning media facilities according to the needs of students. All lecture halls are also equipped with air conditioning so that the lectures take place comfortably.

Language Service

The Graduate School of YSU is an institution that cares about the English language skills of students and managers. Thus, the Graduate School has a language service unit that helps students who have difficulty understanding English references, especially in writing thesis / dissertation abstracts. Even though it does not handle it directly, this unit helps students to get a TOEFL certificate. To improve the English language skills, the language service unit also regularly organizes a journal club.

Other supporting facilities

As YSU students, they can take advantage of the supporting facilities owned by YSU such as Center of Information and Communication Technology, polyclinic, sports and fitness facilities, and hotspot facilities etc.