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Nurlaila, MA, managed to make achievements by becoming the first doctor for the Doctoral Program in Language Education Science (IPB), Postgraduate Program UNY. The teaching staff at IAIN Batu Sangkar West Sumatra is considered capable of defending her dissertation entitled "Development of the Maharah Al-Qira'ah Learning Model Based on Grammatical Competence and Discourse for Undergraduate Students of the Arabic Language Education Department (PMQ-BKGW)". The results of her research were presented in an open examination session on Wednesday, April 12 2017 in front of the board of examiners consisting of Prof. Sugirin, Ph.D. (chairman), Prof. Dr. Haryadi (secretary), Prof. Dr. Pratomo Widodo (promoter), Dr. Sukamto, MA (co-promoter), Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., MA (examiner), and Prof. Dr. Ajat Sudrajat (examiner).
In her presentation, this 37-year-old woman revealed that maharah al-qira'ah (reading skills) is an important and fundamental thing in language learning, especially foreign languages including Arabic. "Reading is the most important skill besides istima '(listening), kalam (speaking), and kitabah (writing). Through reading students will learn new information and be able to synthesize, evaluate, and interpret to learn more about a subject matter, " she said. The main objective of learning is more on the ability to understand Arabic texts / texts, both in the Qur'an, hadith, and other types of publications. However, with the variety of inputs from the Arabic Language Education Study Program from high school, vocational school, MAN, Ponpes, Hafidz education background, special treatment is needed so that at the end of the first year grammar and discourse mastery can meet the minimum requirements as a fluent reader.
"In the field studies conducted at the Department of Arabic Language Education (PBA) at IAIN Padang, IAIN Bukittinggi, and IAIN Batu Sangkar, we found that the maharah al qora'ah (MQ) course still has a difference in credit weight, namely 4-6 credits (MQ 1, MQ 2, MQ 3) in these three institutions. In addition, the results of the analysis on the course syllabus were not systematic. As a result, there is an overlap between the contents of the MQ 1, MQ 2 and MQ 3 syllabi, " she added.
Furthermore, the woman who achieved her second master's degree at PPs UIN Sunan Kalijaga in the midst of completing her dissertation added that the Competency Standards (SK) that were formulated were still very general so they did not describe the specific abilities that students should have after taking the MQ course. In addition, the basic competencies (KD) that are formulated did not describe the existing SK. When it is related to MQ learning in the PBA major, the low level of students in understanding texts / passages is due to weaknesses in grammatical and discourse competences. Therefore, before reading the text / passages, it is necessary to activate the two competencies.
Through the PMQ-BKGW model, it emphasizes the activation of grammatical competence (vocabulary and grammar), discourse competence (cohesion and coherence). That way, students will be able to read and understand a text of various Islamic themes. Finally, student learning outcomes can be further improved after implementing the learning model.
Dr. Nurlaila, MA, MA succeeded in becoming the 359th doctorate in Postgraduate Program UNY and the first in Language Education Science study program, predicated Very Satisfactory with a GPA of 3.83. As the Head of Department, Prof. Sugirin, Ph.D. felt relieved while Prof. Dr. Pratomo Widodo is no less content, because as a promoter he has succeeded in providing the birth of the long-awaited first Doctor. (Rubiman).
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