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YEK AMIN AZIS, M. PD. is the SECOND GRADUATES OF Language Education Science
Yek Amin Azis, M.Pd, who is an alumnus of the master degree of Applied Linguistics at Graduate School UNY, has successfully completed the doctoral degree at the same campus within five years and one month. He is the 2nd graduates of Language Education Science (IPB) in the Graduate School UNY. The permanent lecturer of the English Language Study Program (TBI) of UIN Mataram was able to defend his dissertation entitled "Developing a model of materials development for Islamic Religion Education Department Students " in front of the examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., MA (Chief examiner / examiner), Dr, Agus Widyantoro, M. Pd. (Secretary of examiners), Prof. Sugirin, Ph. D. (Promoter / examiner), Joko Priyana, MA., Ph. D. (Co-promoter / examiner), Prof. Dr. Pratomo Widodo (main examiner), and Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan, MA, M. Phil., Ph. D. (main examiner / external examiner).
In an open session held on September 26, 2018, the 38-year-old man explained the importance of generating a teaching material development model. In his presentation, teaching material developers should comprehensively know and understand the main principles of developing language teaching materials, such as a deep understanding of the nature of language, the nature of language learning and teaching, and the competencies that students should acquire as product users. On the other hand, teaching material developers are also asked to understand the procedures for developing teaching materials.
Theoretically, he argued that, in order to obtain an ideal and suitable product / teaching material in accordance with the needs, the principles and development procedures should go hand in hand. This is in line with Malay's (2016: 10-29) statement that the principles and procedures in developing teaching materials are very crucial and have a significant role in the development process in order to obtain good results , including ( 1) educational outcomes, (2) pedagogical outcomes, (3) materials outcomes, and (4) psycho-social outcomes.
In short, the development study (RnD) which took the setting of students majoring in Arabic Language Education UIN Mataram found the fact that the English teaching materials used by the teaching staff are considered not meeting ideal standards and conforming to students' needs / department's needs. Selection of text, topic, content, as well as the arrangement of learning activities and selection of images in the teaching material does not reflect Islamic style. This means that the integration and interconnection of science at UIN Mataram with Islamic values is completely untouched. In line with this, the lay-out arrangements / material arrangement structures used such as formats, illustrations, visual / image explanations are still not in accordance with ideal teaching material development principles.
Through the NEDPE model ( need analysis, exploration, development, physical production, and evaluation ) Mr. Yek (his nickname) offers teaching material developers or researchers, especially in the scope of Islamic universities, to design ideal teaching materials and use the products produced in completion of the final project. The components in the model produced in his findings include procedures for developing teaching materials, syllabus, and teaching materials. The three components are developed in accordance with the principles and procedures for developing teaching materials.
From the top of the podium, the Promoter and Head of Language Education Science Study Program, Prof. Sugirin, Ph. D., and Mr. Joko Priyana as the Co-promoter of Mr. Yek looks content because the Language Education Science study program has succeeded in producing the 2nd graduates.
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